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Kenneth had a wheelie good time!

Kenneth had a wheelie good time!

We just love the enthusiasm from Kenneth Anderson! He is indeed a true LEJOG legend and he took part in the Wheelie Big Ride like a champion. He had a wail of a time, pedalling like he's never pedalled before! Let's take a...

Wheelie Big Ride: Day 10

Wheelie Big Ride: Day 10

Betty Hill - Lands End – 51 miles After the ‘last supper’ at the hotel, we were all thinking the last 51 miles would be a breeze, and a breeze they were, nothing but a head wind was awaiting our final section of the route....

Wheelie Big Ride: Day 9

Wheelie Big Ride: Day 9

After a somewhat eventful night, the team set off from Munlochy and were immediately faced by a nice climb to warm up…oh the joys of the Scottish highlands! However the view of the Cromarty Firth and Bridge were worth the...

Wheelie Big Ride: Day 8

Wheelie Big Ride: Day 8

Braemar to Munlocky – 90 miles Starting the day from the Braemar Caravan park was a shock, we had to put light jackets on and arm warmers were needed, something told us that we were near home 😊. The cycle from Braemar to...