Carlisle to Edinburgh: 113 miles

Starting the day as the previous day ended – we had more lovely hospitality from Norman and Mary, breakfast and coffee, a great start for us all!

Once again, the weather forecast was to be warm, we were off and the beginning of the route followed the M6 (using the old road), we crossed the motorway via many bridges, but it allowed us to make good progress to Scotland!


First stop was at Lockerbie for a bacon roll and coffee, always a welcome stop after a good few hours of cycling. As the heat was continuing to fry us, we ended up stopping in Moffat (for an Ice cream), but we were taught a lesson, not to stop! As a result of this stop, a puncture was experienced (once more by Stuart, no more wheelies for him, it really would save his tyres).

Continuing onwards to Biggar, we were all cursing the road surfaces, they were very rough and gave us and the bikes a very good shaking! One major climb of the day (Devils Beeftub), 5 miles in distance, > 300m in accent – oh we love the hills, especially in the sun!

Upon arrival at Bigger, Dave once again came up trumps and found a great lunch spot (The Kirkstyle) who serve great food! As the afternoon continued the spirits were lifted at the sight of the Forth road bridge, with this in sight we knew the end of the day was nearing….

No real ‘Richard of the Day’ moments, the general feeling is that we are beginning to operate as a well oiled machine, or we are too knackered to care 😊.